2014 fall photo

2014 fall photo

Friday, August 17, 2012

Our new addition:)

Baby Corver is here! and we have obviously, finally, agreed on a name! He was born at 5:07 am on the 6th at 7lbs 11oz, 23 inches... I think, I was given three different birth weights but we'll go with the one I heard first. I had a fantastic team of nurses, and my OB/GYN during labor, it was all around a great experience. I can't believe he is almost 2 weeks old! We are so excited to have him here, Corver has been such a good baby, I can't believe how fast I fell in love with him. Love at first sight is definatley more true than ever! Jason was able to skype off and on through labor and met him after he was born.
Funny story when I was a few days old my mom had set me on her bed and went to answer the phone, while she was gone I had managed to flip myself over and land on my pacifier. This topic came up on sunday after paying close attention to Corv's upper body strength and trying to guess which athlete he would be like. The following monday he was laying on his tummy on the couch, next to me. He decided that being on his tummy was not what he wanted, so he arched his back and flipped himself on his back. It was incredible. He is going to be one strong little bugger.
Jason loves hearing about Corv, they already look so much alike. I wish I had a photo of Jason as a baby, so I could do a side by side comparison on here. That will have to wait until the next post.
Jason seems to be enjoying the culture in Afghanistan. He has made some great friends over there, and was able to deploy with one of his best friends also which is nice.
We've been lucky to be able to email almost every night and skype a couple times a week.
I am so proud of my husband, he has been in the military for over 3 years now. He is such a great soldier, and supportive husband, and I know he'll be a fantastic Dad. He loves Corv so much already, and hasn't yet had the chance to meet him. I'm so thankful for his, and other armed force members. They make so many sacrifices, leaving family and friends. I haven't heard Jason complain, or talk about others in his unit complaining once. I know i'm doing an awful job of writing this, but I'd just like to pay a little tribute to those that are fighting or have fought for our country. I know I won't be able to walk past a soldier in uniform again without wanting/needing, to thank him/her.
We love you Jas, can't wait to have you home.
Here are some photos of the last couple of weeks excitement here at home, and in Afghan.

 Holding Corv for the first time

Proud Grandpa
 He is dreaming hard about something here:)

 Aunt Elise Just woke him up

In the Bili-Bed (He had Jaundice the first week) he looks just like Jas here

 Jason with one of his favorite Haji people
 Jason and Dan his best friend
A little Haji boy waving at the American trucks

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Here is whats new with us!

It has been a little while since i've written on here, so I guess it would be a good time to update the blog. Things have been very busy here at home, which is SO good! I have worked on a few projects from my pinterest board, for the little one.
I made a car seat cover that I saw on pinterest and made my own variation.

I wanted to make it reversible, so I had to do the straps a little differently than on the pattern. Thankfully my mom was there to help.. I stuck to pretty simple fabrics, but I think I might make another that pops a little more... we'll see:)
I've started a blanket also out of Jason's old ACU's and woven shirts. I got this idea from pinterest also. http://pinterest.com/pin/147985537725636095/ Here is the link.
I don't have pictures yet, still in the beginning phase so it doesn't look like much... Yet.
Pinterest was produced just in time to help keep me busy for this deployment, I love it!
In case you are wondering, I am still pregnant. I was due last sunday but he is being stubborn and hanging out in there a bit longer:) Gives us a little more time to think of more names.  Just in case you were wondering if spicy foods, oreo's, chinese/mexican, walking/biking, floating the sevier river and yes a back flip,(that happened on accident) will help induce labor not so unfortunatlly. at least not for me. But if you have any more ideas please send them my way. I'm willing to try almost anything (besides castor oil). My doctor will be inducing me on monday and i'd prefer he came on his own... Soon like :)
Jason has made it to his final destination in Afghanistan. When he describes his location it sounds a lot like Delta. But he is safe and seems to like it ok, but of course would rather be home. I can't discuss anything, mainly because I can't know anything but he does send pictures every once in a while so i'll upload a couple and let you take a look at a 3rd world country. 

I hope I was able to keep you a little more entertained enough to continue reading. I'll blog again once the munchkin comes.
Thanks for reading!